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(New page: == Challenge == In order to be more flexible in displaying questions As a questionnaire creator I want to drag and drop elements in a pre-defined lists to use as question's answers ...)
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Revision as of 04:14, 8 January 2009


In order to be more flexible in displaying questions

As a questionnaire creator

I want to drag and drop elements in a pre-defined lists to use as question's answers


I want to drag products in left list to textboxes in right list, and have the ability of changing my choices by clicking a Remove link

QuestionTips DragNDrop 1.jpg

QuestionTips DragNDrop 2.jpg

QuestionTips DragNDrop 3.jpg 


  • Create a text grid question
  • Add a column containing the products to the left of the sub question text column, make the text draggable
  • Make an extra space column between product column and sub question text column
  • Add a column containing Remove links to the right of the sub question text column
  • Make textboxes droppable
  • Hide the product in the left grid when it is dropped in the text box, the previous product in the textbox will be shown again in the left list
  • Clicking Remove will clear the textbox in the same row and show the corresponding product in the left list


  1 quest.onInit = function()
  2 {
  3 	this.initializeLeftList();
  5 	//add Remove link after text boxes
  6 	$("input:text").each(
  7 		function(i)
  8 		{
  9 			$(this).parent().after(
 10 				$("<td>")
 11 					.append($("<a href=\"javascript:quest.clearAnswer("+i+");\">Remove</a>"))
 12 					.addClass("grid_subquestion_text grid_subquestion_odd")
 13 			);
 14 		}
 15 	);
 17 	//configure the drag move
 18 	$(".draggable_text").draggable
 19 	(
 20 		{
 21 			mouse: "pointer",
 22 			helper: 'clone'
 23 		}
 24 	);
 26 	//make the textboxes droppable and not editable	
 27 	$("input:text").each(
 28 		function(i)
 29 		{
 30 			$(this).addClass("droppable_cell");
 31 			$(this)[0].contentEditable = false;
 32 			$(this).width("300px");
 33 		}
 34 	);
 36 	//drop function
 37 	$(".droppable_cell").droppable
 38 	(
 39 		{
 40 			accept: ".draggable_text",
 41 			activeClass: 'droppable-active',
 42 			hoverClass: 'droppable-hover',
 43 			drop: function(ev, ui) 
 44 			{		
 45 				var currentValue = $(this).val();
 46 				var newValue = ui.draggable.text();
 47 				if (currentValue != "" && currentValue != newValue)
 48 				{
 49 					quest.showProduct(currentValue);	
 50 				}
 51 				$(this).val(ui.draggable.text());	
 52 				ui.draggable._hide("fast");				
 53 			}
 54 		}
 55 	);	
 56 }
 58 quest.initializeLeftList = function()
 59 {
 60 	var n = this.questions.length;
 61 	var answers = this.getAnswers();
 63 	var products = new Array();
 64 	products[0] = "{{Brands[0]}}";
 65 	products[1] = "{{Brands[1]}}";
 66 	products[2] = "{{Brands[2]}}";
 67 	products[3] = "{{Brands[3]}}";
 68 	products[4] = "{{Brands[4]}}";	
 70 	//add a product cell before the sub question text cell
 72 	for(var i=0; i<n; i++)
 73 	{		
 74 		var v = products[i];
 75 		$("#grid_subquestion_text_" + (i+1))
 76 			.before(
 77 					$("<td>").append(
 78 						$("<div>")					
 79 							.append(
 80 								$("<p>").text(v)
 81 									.addClass("draggable_text")
 82 									.css("mouse", "pointer")
 83 							)						
 84 					)
 85 					.width("200px")
 86 			)			
 87 			.width("10px");				
 88 	}
 90 	$("#grid_subquestion_text_1")
 91 	.before(
 92 		$("<td rowspan=\""+(n + 1)+"\">&nbsp;</td>")
 93 			.addClass("grid_space_cell")
 94 			.width("200px")
 95 	);
 97 	$(".draggable_text").each(
 98 		function(i)
 99 		{
100 			if (answers.exists($(this).text()))
101 				$(this)._hide("fast");
102 		}
103 	);	
104 }
106 //get list of answered value
107 quest.getAnswers = function()
108 {
109 	var a = new Array();
110 	a[0] = "{{Q7[0]}}";
111 	a[1] = "{{Q7[1]}}";
112 	a[2] = "{{Q7[2]}}";
113 	a[3] = "{{Q7[3]}}";
114 	a[4] = "{{Q7[4]}}";	
115 	return a;	
116 }
118 //check if a value exists in an array
119 Array.prototype.exists = function(value)
120 {
121 	for(var i=0; i<this.length; i++)
122 	{
123 		if (this[i] == value)
124 			return true;
125 	}
126 	return false;
127 }
129 //show a product in the left list
130 quest.showProduct = function(value)
131 {
132 	$(".draggable_text").each(
133 		function(i)
134 		{
135 			if ($(this).text() == value)
136 				$(this).show();
137 		}
138 	);
139 }
141 //remove a product from the right list and put back in the left list
142 quest.clearAnswer = function(index)
143 {
144 	var input = $("input:text")[index];
145 	var value = input.value;
146 	if (value != "")
147 	{
148 		this.showProduct(value);
149 		input.value = "";
150 	}
151 }