Key: TempBulkPath

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Key: TempBulkPath


<add key="TempBulkPath" value="[PATH]"/>

[PATH]: Location for placing files on server


This path points to the folder on the SQL server which will be used for storing text files when data is bulk-inserted into the database for the application. This path is a location that must be seen from the web server (i.e. the web server must have full access to this folder), so it's usually in the network form.

and point to just one folder in the database server, but are used by two different instances: Catglobe (in the webserver) and database engine (in the database server). If the database server is set up in the fail-over mode, both of them should be in the network form.

Make sure that ASPNET_IMPERSONATED and SQL Service account user have full access to the folders above.

Example of key

<add key="TempBulkPath" value="\\Catproc\Temp\"/>