ExportSettingsAsciiFile class

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Export settings for the Ascii File format.


  • Empty Clear() - Remove format from output
  • string ToString() - The string representation of the object.


  • string AsciiFileOptionAlternativeChars { get; set; } - Get/set if exporting to specific format with given option
  • bool AsciiFileOptionIncludeSummaryFile { get; set; } - Get/set if exporting to specific format with given option
  • string AsciiFileOptionSeparatorChar { get; set; } - Get/set if exporting to specific format with given option
  • bool AsciiFileOptionUseSeparatedFormat { get; set; } - Get/set if exporting to specific format with given option
  • bool IsAsciiFileExport { get; } - Get if exporting to specific format
  • string ObjectTypeName { get; } - The name of the type of object.
  • TypeInformation TypeInformation { get; } - Get information about this class.


string ResourceName="test ExportManager type AsciiFile";
number parentResourceId = 11088827;
ExportManager EM = new ExportManager (ResourceName, parentResourceId ); 
number questionnaireResourceId  = 15546533;
ExportSettingsAsciiFile exportSetting = EM.ExportSettingsAsciiFile;
exportSetting.AsciiFileOptionIncludeSummaryFile = true;
//exportSetting.AsciiFileOptionSeparatorChar = ";";
//exportSetting.AsciiFileOptionUseSeparatedFormat = true;
EM.Language ="en-GB"; 
DateTime startTime = new DateTime ("2016-4-18");
DateTime endTime = new DateTime ("2017-4-19");
EM.SelectTimeFrame =true;
EM.CGStartTimeFrameUTC = startTime;
EM.CGEndTimeFrameUTC = endTime; 
EM.QasNotStarted = false;
EM.QasPartly = false;
EM.QasCompleted = true; 
EM.QasNormal = true;
EM.QasQuotaFull = false;
EM.QasOutsideTarget = false;
EM.QasInterviewFailed = false;
EM.QasInterviewSucceded = true; 
EM.IncludedTestData= false;
EM.IncludedDeletedUsers = false;
EM.IncludedDisabledUsers = false;