Check whether values of open parts of a close question are positive numbers or not

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Check whether values of open parts of a close question are positive numbers or not


This solution will check whether values of open parts of a close question (single question type or multi question type) are positive numbers or not.

OpenPart closeQuestion.jpg

How To Use

  • Edit the qName and openPartIndexes values in the below script.
 * Check whether values of open parts of a close question are positive numbers or not
 * @param {String} qName The name of the close question (case sensitive)
 * @param {Array} openPartIndexes The indexes of the open parts
 * @return {Boolean} return true if valid, false if invalid 
 * Ex: validate_Open_Parts_Of_Close_Question('Sp7', [2,3]); // Means check whether values of open parts of answer options 2,3 of the close 
 * // question Sp7 are positive numbers or not
function validate_Open_Parts_Of_Close_Question(qName, openPartIndexes) {
 function isPositiveNumber(n) {
 var isNo = !isNaN(parseFloat(n)) && isFinite(n);
 return isNo && (Number(n) >= 0) ? true : false; 
 return false;
 var isValid = true;
 $.each(openPartIndexes, function(i, opIndex) { 
 var opTxtBoxName = 'QUESTION.' + qName + '.Open.' + opIndex; 
 var opValue = $('input[type=text][name=' + opTxtBoxName + ']').val();
 if(opValue !== '' && !isPositiveNumber(opValue)) {
 isValid = false;
 return false; // break this each loop
 if(!isValid) {
 alert('Værdien skal være et tal.');
 return false;
 return true;
} = function() {
 // Valiate the open parts of close question to make sure their values are positive numbers
 var qName = 'Sp7'; // Change your close question name here
 var openPartIndexes = [2]; // Set the open part indexes which want to validate values here
 var isValid = validate_Open_Parts_Of_Close_Question(qName, openPartIndexes);
 return false;
 document["query"]["dir"].value = "next"; 
 return true; 

  • Put the script to below location of your close question in the questionnaire editor

Question Javascript Property.jpg