Next button count down

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You want to control when the next button should be available for the respondent .

In order to control when the next button should be available for the respondent

As a questionnaire creator

I want to hide Next button in specify time


   * I have a Text question like below.


NextButtonAvailable Before.JPG
NextButtonAvailable After.JPG


This script only works in combination with the question property count down. The number you define in count down, is the number of seconds the next button will be unavaliable for the respondent.

 1 function setVisibility(visible)
 2 {
 3    if (!document.getElementsByName('next') || document.getElementsByName('next').length == 0)
 4       // next button not available
 5       return;
 6    if (visible)
 7       document.getElementsByName('next')[0].style.display = '';
 8    else
 9       document.getElementsByName('next')[0].style.display = 'none';
10 }
11 question.prototype.onInit = function()
12 {
13    // set invisible onload
14    setVisibility(false);
15 }
16 question.prototype.onCountdown = function()
17 {
18    //;
19    if (this.countdown != null && this.countdown > 0)
20    {
21       this.countdown--;
22       this.countDownObj.value--;
23       this.countDownObj.render();
24       if (this.countdown == 0)
25       {
26          // Disable the timed trigger
27          window.clearInterval(this.countdownHandle);
28          setVisibility(true);
29       }
30    }
31 }