Arrange the legend entries

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Arrange the legend entries

Style sheet -  Labels - Legend - Expand mode

To arrange the legend entries in a bar line, pie, area, point, radar, funnel, bubble, linear gauge, radial gauge, or box and whiskers chart through the External Style Sheet and Inline Style Sheet editors:

  1. Under Labels, select Legend, and then find the Expand mode group of settings on the right-hand area.
  2. To arrange the legend entries in one row, select Single row.
  3. To arrange the legend entries in a specific number of rows, select Multiple rows and enter the number of rows you want in the numeric input field next to the option.
  4. To arrange the legend entries in one column, select Single column.
  5. To arrange the legend entries in a specific number of columns, select Multiple columns and enter the number of columns you want in the numeric input field next to the option.