RoleExtensionRoleParameter class

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Parameters for executing a role extension

Parent class

Inherits from RoleExtensionParameter


  • (From RoleExtensionParameter) RoleExtensionReturn Execute() - Execute call to the role extesion. If called inside a role extension the base/parent version is called if any. May return Empty.
  • (From object) string ToString() - The string representation of the object.


  • string ObjectTypeName { get; } - The name of the type of object.
  • (From RoleExtensionParameter) array Parameters { get; set; } - Parameters if any. Must match the ordering of the documentation.
  • Array of int RoleResourceIds { get; set; } - List of roles to change/query.
  • (From object) TypeInformation TypeInformation { get; } - Get information about this class.
  • (From RoleExtensionParameter) Array of Array WriteableValues { get; set; } - Update values per user/role. Must match the ordering of the return documentation for the writeable values. May be empty for querying, or each element may be empty if not updating.