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Line 254: Line 254:
_ Highlight a Dashboard and click View button  
_ Highlight a Dashboard and click View button  
_ Put cursor in Dashboard viewer, click right mouse and choose Properties  
1) Put cursor in Dashboard viewer, click right mouse and choose Properties  
_ Copy URL and paste to browser  
_ Copy URL and paste to browser  
[[Image:Dashboard - How to get links.png]]<br>  
2) Copy URL on Address and paste to other browser
[[Image:Dashboard - How to get links.png]]<br>
== Results:  ==
== Results:  ==

Revision as of 04:21, 28 May 2010


  1. IE: 8.0, 7.0, 6.0
  2. FF: 3.6, 3.5
  3. Chrome: 4.1
  4. Safari: 4.0.5 (531.2)
  5. Opera/9.80 (Windows NT 5.1; U; en) Presto/2.5.24 Version/10.52

Module: Questionnaire

Questionnaire viewer

  • How to test:
  1. Normal way: Add sample, build then login by user in sample to test, or
  2. Use access code: Build sample, click button “Access code” in Sample builder dialog to get Access code list, then use Anonymous survey hyperlink with uac=1 (no parameter n,b)
  3. Use Anonymous survey hyperlink with n=2&b=1,

4.0.5 (531.2)
Conditions Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok
Properties Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok
CGScript Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok
Java Script Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok
End question Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok
Dummy question Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok
Media question Ok Ok Ok No* No* No* No* No*
Flash Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok

(*)The browser always asks for a required version Window Media Player even already had a newest version in the machine.

Module: Report

Report viewer

  • How to test:
  1. Normal way: Add sample, build then login by user in sample to test, or
  2. Use access code: Build sample, click button “Access code” in Sample builder dialog to get Access code list, then use Anonymous survey hyperlink with uac=1 (no parameter n,b)
  3. Use Anonymous survey hyperlink with n=2&b=1,

4.0.5 (531.2)
Conditions Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok
Properties Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok
CGScript Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok
Java Script Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok
End question Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok
Dummy question Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok
Media question Ok Ok Ok No* No* No* No* No*
Flash Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok

(*)The browser always asks for a required version Window Media Player even already had a newest version in the machine.

Diagram viewer

Monitor viewer

Dashboard viewer

  • How to test:

_ Go to Dashboard list

_ Highlight a Dashboard and click View button

1) Put cursor in Dashboard viewer, click right mouse and choose Properties

_ Copy URL and paste to browser

2) Copy URL on Address and paste to other browser

Dashboard - How to get links.png


IE 6

_ Some images look not good (Details)

_ Dashboard viewers are loaded very slowly.

_ Click on link but cannot open new Dashboard viewer.

_ Some controls are overlapped. (Details)

_ Position of tab is changed. (Details)

IE 7

_ Click on link but cannot open new Dashboard viewer (Details)

_ Dashboard viewers are loaded very slowly.

IE 8

_ Click on link but cannot open new Dashboard viewer (Details)

FF 3.5

_ Some texts are shaded since there’s no scroll bar.

FF 3.6

_ Some texts are shaded since there’s no scroll bar.

_ Some controls are overflowed from frame.(Details)

_ Texts are aligned to the center of drop down list.(Details)

Chrome 4.1

_ Cannot see Radial gauge charts and text area is too small. (Details)

_ Some charts look not good (Details)

_ Some controls are overflowed from frame. (Details)

_ Selected item is aligned to the center of drop down list. (Details)

_ Cannot see any axis while viewing a Dashboard that contains cross diagram (Details)

Opera 9.80

_ Height of tables, frames are not good and there's no scroll bar (Details)

_ Edit the first filter and cannot hide it (Details)

_ Cannot see Radial gauge charts. (Details)

_ Some charts look not good (the same Chrome) (Details)

_ Some controls are overflowed from frame (the same FF 3.6). (Details)

_ Cannot select any axis, cannot expand Advanced statistic data area while viewing a Dashboard that contains cross diagram and axes lists look not good.


Safari 4.0

_ Cannot see some Radial gauge charts and text area is too small. (Details)

_ Some charts look not good (the same Chrome) (Details)

_ Cannot see any axis, cannot add filter while viewing a Dashboard that contains cross diagram (Details)

Module: Data


  • How to test:

1. Use quick link My webshop.

2. Use link http://heisenberg5801.catglobe.com/Catalogue/shop/ShoppingPage.aspx

3. Navigate Tools/Personal/My webshop after logging on to catglobe system.

4.0.5 (531.2)
Catgory  Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok
Products Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Failed (not show products when a catgory is selected) Failed (not show products when a catgory is selected) Ok
Language Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok
Search Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Failed
Status  Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok
Payment wizard  Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok

Payment site

  • How to test:

1. Use link http://payment-vntest.catglobe.com/

4.0.5 (531.2)
Partners Create a partner Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok
Edit a partner Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok
Delete a partner Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok
View sites of a partner Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok
Update currencies of a partner Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok
Sites Payment wizard  Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok
Create a site Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok
Edit a site Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok
Delete a site Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok
Recalculate a site Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok
Currency Create a currency Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok
Edit a currency Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok
Delete a currency Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok
OkInvoice Create an invoice Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok
Search invoice Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok
Edit an invoice Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok
Delete an invoice Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok
View details of an invoice Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok
Recalculate an invoice Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok
Copy an invoice Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok
Inherite an invoice Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok

Module: Core

My portal

  • How to test:
  1. Users who are not transfered to Default start page and have the My portal navigation will be directed to My portal page after logging into the system.
  2. The portal element : Chart, User defined object, System can be added in My portal if log-in user have the resource access to them.
  3. The portal element : Chart, User defined object, System can be removed in My portal if log-in user have the resource access to them.
  4. JS script which is attached in the portal element works without showing any error in My portal.
  5. The attached links which are attached in the portal element work in My portal
  6. The smart links in the portal element work in My portal

4.0.5 (531.2)
User is transfered to My portal after loging into the system


The portal element : Chart can be added in My portal


The portal element : User defined object can be added in My portal

The portal element : System can be added in My portal

The portal element : Chart can be removed in My portal

The portal element : User defined object can be removed in My portal

The portal element : System can be removed in My portal

JS script which is attached in the portal element works in My portal


The attached links which are attached in the portal element work in My portal


The smart links in the portal element work in My portal