AxisOption new

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This function is the axis option object's constructor and will return an array which must have 4 elements, configured like specified below:

  • OBJECT_TYPE: Object type information. It must have the same value as TYPE_AXIS_OPTION constant.
  • AXIS_OPTION_NAME: The name of the axis option, it is the value of the argument name passed to the constructor function
  • AXIS_OPTION_VALUE: The value expression for the axis option, it is the value of the value argument which might be passed to the constructor function.


AxisOption_new(name [, value])


name: Is a string expression. It is the name of the axis option.

value: Is a string expression. It is a bool CGS expression.

Return type



array axisOption = AxisOption_new("Adult");

axisOption[AXIS_OPTION_VALUE] = "Age == [18-55]";


//Result: {1,Adult,Age == [18-55],}


Version 5.5