Property name: Back button text

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Property name: Back button text

<tbody> </tbody>

Property name: Back button text

Question types applied



This will set the text shown on a back button.

Business logic

The value of this button can be applied to a whole questionnaire if it is set in questionnaire properties dialog. However, its value can also be set directly for a question in question properties. If its value is not set at the question property level, the text appearing on the button is the value inherited from questionnaire properties. Otherwise, its value is the value which is set directly in the question properties dialog.

The default value is “Back”



Screen examples

The image is displayed in the Questionnaire Viewer. The Back button text has a value: “Previous question”

This is how it looks in the editor:

<img align="bottom" width="370" vspace="0" hspace="0" height="184" border="0" alt="" src="3373.png">

This is how it looks in the viewer:

<img align="bottom" width="233" vspace="0" hspace="0" height="130" border="0" alt="Back text 2" src="3374.png">