New task's properties

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1. FoundBy_User property:
- Development Team: the bug is found by the Team itself, including QA and BA if in the Approval phase. - Other Team: the bug is found by some other team. - Production: the bug is found while doing production work (Catinet and Process). - Client/User: the bug is found by end clients/users/partners.

Q1: What should I set FoundBy_User property for the task if anyone from Denmark, such as Phong (Ha), Ulrik, Christian,... send us a bug?
A: Production.

Q2: What about if reporter is a client and Phong (Ha) or Ulrik forward that bug for me?
A: In this case, you should choose Client/User for FoundBy_User.

Q3: Is there any other situation for us to set Production for the task?
A: Yes, there is. Besides Phong (Ha), Ulrik and Christian, we also set Production for the task if any member from Process send bug to us.

Q3: Are you sure that we always set Production for task whenever Process team send us bug?
A: No, not really. If Process team find a bug while s/he is checking the project to approve IAT task then we should set Development team for the task. Otherwise, please set Production.

Q4: Which one is the correct choice between Development team and Other team if a person from QA team send me a bug?
A: Development team if s/he finds the bug while s/he is approving the Testing task of the project. Otherwise, Other team.

2. FoundIn_Stage property:
- Testing: the bug is found in testing phase before giving it to QA for approving the testing task. - Approving: the bug is found after the testing task was sent to QA for approval at the first time. - Before Deploy: the bug is found after IAT but before client ever had the chance to find it. - Pre-Released: the bug is found after the project was released to client (PRE PROD). - Released: choose this option if the bug is found after the project was released to client (used in production site).

Q1: I must choose Testing for FoundIn_Stage property for the task if I find a bug while I am testing a project whose coding has just been approved, right?
A: Exactly.

Q2: Which case is Approving used in?
A: Approving is set for the task when QA or Process team find the bug after you finished Testing task of the project and sent it to them for approving.

Q3: And Before Deploy is set if the bug was found after project has been approved?
A: yes if the project has not been released to mycatinet-preproduct site or mycatinet site (client sites).

Q4: So, what happens if it comes from a project in 5.7 and this project has been released mycatinet-preproduct?
A: If the project has been released to mycatinet-preproduct then set it Pre-released.

Q5: How about if the project has been released to mycatinet site (client sites)?
A: Please set Released for the property of the task.

Q6: What should I choose when I go test around and find a bug. Should I set Testing for FoundIn_Stage property of the task?
A: No, you shouldn't. Please check that which version the function you are using is supported. If it was supported in 5.6 and later (I mean 5.5--) then set Released for the property. If it is only supported in 5.7, then check the status of the project made it. Please take a look on Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4 and Q5 for more details.

3. FoundIn_Project:
Q: When I set a project for this property? When I leave it empty?
A: If you know the project that the bug comes from then set the project for the property. Otherwise, leave it empty.

4. Version:
Q: If a LnF bug is found, how many versions it must be fixed even it occurs from old versions?
A: Just head version needs fixed. But if anyone from Denmark or our clients want it to be fixed in older versions then these versions must be included into Version property of the task