Convert closed question TextBox into TextArea
In Single question or Multi Question, a textbox might not enough for respondent to give a long answer.
As a questionnaire creator
I want to convert a textbox into a textarea.
1 quest.onInit = function()
2 {
3 $.each($("input[type='text']"), function()
4 {
5 var inputName =;
6 var inputValue = this.value;
7 var answerOptionValue = inputName.slice(inputName.lastIndexOf(".") + 1);
9 if ($("input[value='" + answerOptionValue + "']").attr("checked"))
10 $(this).replaceWith("<textarea rows='8' cols='55' name='" + inputName + "'>" + inputValue + "</textarea>");
11 else
12 $(this).replaceWith("<textarea rows='8' cols='55' disabled = 'disabled' name='" + inputName + "'>" + inputValue + "</textarea>");
13 });
14 }