Here are CATI common problem that need to check before Teamviewer remote access.
1. Question Why MacOS Interviewer can't make a dial test to 789 number on Zoiper sip phone?
=> Answer: Please change Zoiper TCP transport to UDP transport. Please read this wiki page
2. Question Do we need re setup Voxmeter Lyd (Automated on Windows PC) every shift?
=> Answer: No, we don't. Your setting was save to profile. You use "Spring over" button.
3. Question: Why do Interviewers can't get CATI link to join CATI project after logged to'
=> Answer: You need book a shift. Please contact supervisors.
4. Question: Why do I use default profile (UDP) with Tunnel profile but I can't hear any sound dial to 789?
=> Answer. Your ISP (Internet Provider) was block access VoIP traffic. They also block VPN Tunnel.