Replace single questions dropdown by plugin

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When viewing in both Single and Single grid dropdown layout. There are 3 problems because using the default HTML <select> tag:
Decode/encode problem with some characters on keyboard. Such as: Ampersand ( & ), single quotation  ( ' ), double quotation marks ( " ), is more than ( > ), is less than ( < ).
Same problem with characters not on keyboard. For example: ÷, ×, ±, ≠, ≡, ≤, ≥, …, ‘, °C and maybe more than that.
Problem with display HTML format in dropdown list when using it to design UI.


These problems will be fix and display normally like other question type and layout.


Before: Before-replace.png

After: After-replace.png


Replace the default HTML <select> tag by using 'select2' plugin.


Add this code to Javascript editor in single or single grid dropdown layout.

Question.bind('afterShowQuestion', function(ev, question, $el) {
		$.fn.select2 || $.ajax({
			type: 'GET',
			dataType: 'script',
			cache: true,
			url: ''
		$.fn.select2 || $('<link/>', {rel: 'stylesheet', href: ''}).appendTo('head')
	).done(function() {
		$('select', $el).select2({
			minimumResultsForSearch: Infinity,
			width: '100%',
			templateResult: function(state) {
				//custom option template in dropdown
				if (!$(state.element).instance()) return null;
				return $('<div/>').html(state.text).css({'text-align': 'left'});
			templateSelection: function(state) {
				//custom selected value
				if (!$(state.element).instance()) return question.selectText;
				return $('<div/>').html(state.text).css({'text-align': 'left'});
		$('.select2-selection', $el).css({height: 'auto', 'min-height': '28px'});