Add an extra row before a sub question in a grid

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In order to categorize sub questions in a grid question

As a questionnaire creator

I want to add extra rows to the grid


I have a single grid question.

QuestionTips SingleGrid 1.jpg

I want to have an extra row to group some sub questions together.

QuestionTips SingleGrid 4.jpg


Find the row in the grid, add a new row before it.


 1 //add a row before a sub question in the grid
 2 //subQuestionIndex: the index of sub question which we should add a row before
 3 //cssClass: the stylesheet that would be applied to the new row
 4 //text: name of the sub question group
 5 //includeAnswerOptionTexts: if it is true, answer option texts will be included in the new row
 6 quest.addRowBefore = function(subQuestionIndex, cssClass, text, includeAnswerOptionTexts)
 7 { 
 8 	//get number of columns 
 9 	var n = $(".grid_inner")[0].rows[0].cells.length; 
10 	$(".grid_inner").find("tr").each( 
11 		function(i) 
12 		{ 
13 			if (i == subQuestionIndex + 1) 
14 			{ 
15 				if (!includeAnswerOptionTexts) 
16 				{ 
17 					$(this).before( $("<tr>")
18 						.append($("<td colspan="+n+">").text(text).addClass(cssClass))
19 						); 
20 				} 
21 				else 
22 				{ 
23 					var tr = $("<tr>").append($("<td>").text(text).addClass(cssClass)); 
24 					for (var j=0; j<quest.questions[0].options.length; j++) 
25 					{ 
26 						tr.append($("<td>").text(quest.questions[0].options[j].text).addClass(cssClass)); 
27 					} 
28 					$(this).before(tr); 
29 				} 
30 			} 
31 		} 
32 	)
33 }
35 quest.onInit = function()
36 { 
37 	//insert a cell before Don't know on header 
38 	var dontKnow_value = 3;  
39 	this.addRowBefore(1, "extra_row_header", "My sub question group", true);
40 }