Change stylesheet of an answer option column in a single grid question

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In order to highlight an answer option column

As a questionnaire creator

I want to change the style sheet of a specific answer option column in a single grid question


I have a single grid question like below.

QuestionTips SingleGrid 1.jpg

I want to change the style of Don't know column.

QuestionTips SingleGrid 3.jpg



<source lang="javascript" line="1"> //change style of a SINGLE grid question's answer option column //answerOptionValue: value of the answer option column //newColor: the new background color of the column's cells quest.changeAnswerOptionColumnStyle = function(answerOptionValue, cssClass) {

//change style of answer option text
$("#grid_answeroption_text_" + answerOptionValue).addClass(cssClass);

//change style of answer option cells
if ($(this).val() == answerOptionValue)

} quest.onInit = function() {

var dontKnow_value = 3;

this.changeAnswerOptionColumnStyle(dontKnow_value, "another_column_css");

} </source>