EmailAccount class

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EmailAccount : Represents an email account. Constructors: (int type (2: WebShop, 3: Support)) - Instanciate an existing email account (int type (0: Resource, 1: GlobalEmail, 2: WebShop, 3: Support), int id (Resource id or global email id. Unused for webshop and support types)) - Instanciate an existing email account Methods: Empty Save() - Save the Email Account string ToString() - The string representation of the object. Properties: string ActualEmail HasGetter HasSetter - (Actual Email address) string Address HasGetter HasSetter - (Email address) string Alias HasGetter HasSetter - (Alias) bool Default HasGetter - (Is this the default email account for the resource.) bool IsGEA HasGetter - (Is the alias for a Global Email or not.) string ObjectTypeName HasGetter - (The name of the type of object.) int ResourceId HasGetter - (Id of account) TypeInformation TypeInformation HasGetter - (Get information about this class.) bool UseActualEmail HasGetter HasSetter - (If true, the from email will be ActualMail. Otherwise, it will be Address.)