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<source lang="javascript" line="1">
= Show a text grid and a single question in the same page =
var SingleQuestion = {
onInit: function(_label, _answerOptionValues, _answerOptionTexts)
this.label = "QUESTION." + _label;
this.aoValues = _answerOptionValues;
this.aoTexts = _answerOptionTexts;
this.selectedValue = "";
optClick: function(value)
if (this.selectedValue == value)//click the checkbox twice => unchecked
this.selectedValue = "";
$("input:text").attr("disabled", "");
$("input:checkbox").attr("checked", "");
//disable all other inputs
this.selectedValue = value;
$("input:text").attr("disabled", "disabled");
if ($(this).val() == value)
$(this).attr("checked", "checked");
$(this).attr("checked", "");
getHTML: function()
var t = $("<table>");
var n = this.aoValues.length;
for (var i = 0; i<n; i++)
t.append($("<input type = \"hidden\">").attr("name", this.label).val(""));
return t;
getHTML_AO: function(index)
var value = this.aoValues[index];
var text = this.aoTexts[index];
return $("<tr>")
$("<td>").width("16px").attr("valign", "top")
$("<input type=\"checkbox\">").attr("name", this.label).val(value).click(
$("<td>").append($("<a class=\"option_link\" href=\"javascript:SingleQuestion.optClick(" + value + ");\">" + text + "</a>"))
var TextGridQuestion =
In order to allow the respondent to skip a text grid question
onInit: function(_quest)
this.quest = _quest;
questionCheck: function()
acont = new Array();
    msg = "";
    cont = true;
for (i=0; i < this.quest.questions.length; i++)
As a questionnaire creator
acont[i] = (trim(document["query"][this.quest.questions[i].label].value) != "");
msg = this.quest.ingridrequiredtext+"\n";
I want to show several options at the end of a text grid question, on which the respondents can click to skip the text grid question. This is similar to question of Open type.
for (i = 0; i < this.quest.questions.length; i++)
// If the sub question is not visible or answering this
// sub question is not answered and not required to be
// then we continue with the next sub question
if(!this.quest.questions[i].visible || (!this.quest.questions[i].required && !acont[i]))
if(this.quest.questions[i].required && !acont[i])
tmp = this.quest.questions[i].text;
tmp = tmp.replace(/(<!\-\-|\-\->)/ig, "");
tmp = tmp.replace(/&nbsp;/ig, " ");
msg += " - '"+trim(tmp.replace(/<[^>]*>/ig, ""))+"'\n";
cont = false;
if (!cont)
return false;
return true;
this.questioncheck = function()
if (SingleQuestion.selectedValue != "")
return true;
return TextGridQuestion.questionCheck();
quest.onInit = function()
var single = "{{Single.Value}}";
var aoV = new Array();
aoV[0] = 1;
aoV[1] = 2;
var aoT = new Array();
aoT[0] = "I do not want to give those information";
aoT[1] = "I do not have time for this"
SingleQuestion.onInit("Single", aoV, aoT);
//look for the outer grid
$("<tr>").css("background-color", "white").append($("<td>").append(SingleQuestion.getHTML()))
if (single != "")

Revision as of 08:25, 18 December 2008

Show a text grid and a single question in the same page

In order to allow the respondent to skip a text grid question

As a questionnaire creator

I want to show several options at the end of a text grid question, on which the respondents can click to skip the text grid question. This is similar to question of Open type.

QuestionTips TextGrid Enabled.jpg

QuestionTips TextGrid Disabled.jpg