Show more than one singe question in the same page

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In order to save time clicking Next
As a questionnaire creator
I want to show more than one single questions in the same page




Create a page question to put the questions on

Set single questions to dummy questions

Add javascript to the page question

NOTICE: different languages have different texts, remember to add scripts for each language with corresponding texts


There are 2 parts of script:

  • Common script for creating an HTML table for each single question: this part should be left unchanged, and could be added to either questionnaire's script property or the page question's script property. It is recommended to put in questionnaire's property so that it can be shared among different questions.

function Single(q)
	this.text = q.text;
	this.label = "QUESTION." + q.label;
	this.shortLabel = q.label;
	this.aoValues = q.aoValues;
	this.aoTexts = q.aoTexts;
	this.selectedValue = q.selectedValue;

//initialise HTML for all single questions
Single.prototype.getHTML = function()
	//add outer table
	var outerTable = $("<table>").addClass("question_outer");
	//question text
	outerTable.append($("<tr>").append($("<td id = 'question_text'>").append($("<p>").attr("align", "center").text(this.text))));
	//option table
	var optionTable = $("<table>").addClass("option_table");
	var i;
	var n = this.aoValues.length;
	var tr;
		tr = this.createRow(i);
	outerTable.append($("<input type='hidden'>").attr("name", this.label).val(this.selectedValue));
	return outerTable;

//create row for each answer options
Single.prototype.createRow = function(i)
	var even;
	if(i % 2 == 0)
		even = "even";
		even = "odd";
	var name = this.label;
	var ao = this.aoValues[i];
	var id = name + "_" + ao;
	var checked = "";
	if(ao == this.selectedValue) checked = "checked";
	var tr = $("<tr>").addClass("option_row option_row_" + even);
	var radiob = $("<td>").attr("align","center")
		.append($("<input type='radio' id='" + id + "' name='" + this.shortLabel + "' value='" + ao + "' onclick='javascript:optclickcustom(\"" + name + "\", " + ao + ", " + false + ");'" + checked + ">"));
	var aotext = $("<td>").attr("align","left")
		.append($("<a class='option_link' href='javascript:optclickcustom(\"" + name + "\", " + ao + ", " + true + ");'>"+this.aoTexts[i]+"</a>"));
	return tr;

Single.prototype.validate = function()
	var a = true;
	if ($("input:hidden[name='" + this.label + "']").val() == "")
		var a = false;
		showError(quest.requiredtext.replace(".",": ") + this.text);
	return a;

function showError(e)

function optclickcustom(name, value, bool)
	var id = name + "_" + value;
	$("input:hidden[name='" + name + "']").val(value);
	if (bool)
	$("input[id='" + id + "']").attr("checked", true);

  • The second script part needs to be modified by the questionnaire creator to fit the real questionnaire. It must be added to the page question's javascript.

var qH1;
var qH2;
var qH3;

quest.onInit = function()
   //------CONFIGURATION PART---------------
        var q1 = {
        'label': 'Q1',//question's label
        'text':'Q1',//question's text
        'aoTexts': ['AO1', 'AO2'],//answer options' texts
        'aoValues': [1,2],//answer options' values
        'selectedValue':"{{Q1.value}}"//previously selected value, please remember to use EXACT texts, do not use loops to generate values

	var q2 = {
        'label': 'Q2',
        'aoTexts': ['AO1', 'AO2', 'AO3'],
        'aoValues': [1,2,3],
	var q3 = {
        'label': 'Q3',
        'aoTexts': ['AO1', 'AO2', 'AO3', 'AO4'],
        'aoValues': [1,2,3,4],

	//create object to get HTML
	qH1 = new Single(q1);
	qH2 = new Single(q2);
	qH3 = new Single(q3);

	var table = $("<table cellspacing='10'>").attr("align","center");
	var tr = $("<tr>");
	var tr = $("<tr>");
	var tr = $("<tr>");


//Check if all questions have values
questioncheck = function()
	return qH1.validate() && qH2.validate() && qH3.validate();

Code sample

Open the qnaire "Js demo - some js samples" (Resource Id: 159684). View the Question "ShowMoreSingleQuestion"