Validate email specified as an open text of a single question

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In order to secure my questionnaire's input
As a CGS writer
I want to validate an email specified as an open text of a single question


Validate email - semi open question.png


  • Add the script below to the question's Javascript property
  • Locate the input text box and use validateEmail function to validate the email


var qLabel = "Q1";//question's label
var openAnswerValue = 1;//the value of answer option which has open text
var ErrorMessage_InvalidEmail = "Invalid email.";//error message in your needed language
var oldQuestionCheck = this.questioncheck;
questioncheck = function()
   if (!oldQuestionCheck())
   return false;
   var email = $("input[name='QUESTION." + qLabel + ".Open." + openAnswerValue +"']").val();
   if (!validateEmail(email))
      return false;
   return true;