BulkMail send

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Send bulk mail




bulkMailResourceId: Is a numeric (non-decimal) expression. It is the bulkmail Resource Id.

MaxToSend: Is a numeric (non-decimal) expression. It is the max email which send.

schedule: Use the given schedule to send the mails. It is CatTaskSchedule object see more at CatTaskInstantSchedule, CatTaskSpecificTimeSchedule, CatTaskNeverSchedule

Return type

Returns CatTask instance id of the sending

Example with maxTosend

number bulkMailResourceId = 9399212;


BulkMail_send(bulkMailResourceId, 20);// 20 is max email which will send

Example with schedule bulkmail

//schedule for send bulkmail at a specific time
number bulkmailRId = 15562486;
number maxToSend = 1;
DateTime dt = new DateTime("2017/05/31 03:10");
CatTaskSpecificTimeSchedule schedule  = new CatTaskSpecificTimeSchedule(dt);
BulkMail_send(bulkmailRId, maxToSend, schedule);//Returns CatTask instance id: 104701 (CatTaskMetaDataId: 54184)

//schedule for send bulkmail now
number bulkmailRId = 15562486;
number maxToSend = 1;
CatTaskInstantSchedule schedule  = new CatTaskInstantSchedule();
BulkMail_send(bulkmailRId, maxToSend, schedule);//Returns CatTask instance id: 104702 (CatTaskMetaDataId: 54185)

//stop schedule of sending bulkmail
CatTaskScheduleHelper csHelper = new CatTaskScheduleHelper();
number taskId = 104701;
CatTaskNeverSchedule schedule = new CatTaskNeverSchedule();
csHelper.RescheduleByInstanceId(taskId, schedule);