Column: Timereg verified

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Column: Timereg verified


Timereg verified


The verified status of the returned time registration record

Automatically given column name


Column type


Resource types that use it

Folder, Project, Product, Report, Questionnaire, User, Group, Task

How axis set information is built

Since this is a boolean column, then the possible values that can exist in this column are only 0 and 1, which corresponds to "False" and "True". It is therefore easy to create the axis since we have a limited well defined number of outcomes.

The axis generated for this column will look like below:

Axis text: "Time registration verified"
Math base: "TimeregVerified"
Pct base: "TimeregVerified!=empty"

Option 1: Name="False"; Value="!TimeregVerified"
Option 2: Name="True"; Value="TimeregVerified"
