Force email address

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Force email address

You want the respondent to write an e-mail address.The script needs to validate if a string input is in email address format

In order to check email address.

As a questionnaire creator

I want to validate if a string input is in email address format when the respondent writes an e-mail address.




  • Add a Text grid question to Questionnaire editor like below
  • Go to menu Properties -> Question scripts -> Java script tab -> Input script

ForceEmail Code.jpg


var normalQuestionCheck = questioncheck;
function extendedQuestionCheck()
	 var valid = normalQuestionCheck();
  	 if (valid) 
      	        var val;
		//The value below is the index value of the sub question where your e-mail question is asked.
		//In this case we use the sub question has index 2 
 		val = document["query"][quest.label + "." + 2].value;
	            	if (val.length > 0)
			valid = validateEmail(val);               
	 if (!valid) 
 	        alert('Wrong email address format');
                return false;
	 return true;
questioncheck = extendedQuestionCheck;


Questionnaire Resource Id on cg site: 159730