Pre and Post Increment and Decrement

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Pre and Post Increment and Decrement

++x is pre-increment  and --x is pre-decrement

x++ is post-increment and x-- is post-decrement

With ++x and --x:  means x is incremented BEFORE being used.

With x++ and x--:  means x is incremented AFTER being used.


number a = 1;
number b;
b = ++a;
print(b);               // 2
print(a);               // 2
b = --a;
print(b);               // 1
print(a);               // 1


number c = 3;
number d;
d = c++;
print(d);                  // 3
print(c);                  // 4
d = c--;
print(d);                 // 4
print(c);                 // 3