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Declaring a Variable

CGS variables are declared using this form of statement:

data_type var_name;

where datatype is the data type of the variable and var_name is its name. You can declare a variable of any valid types. When you create a variable, you are creating an instance of its type. Thus, the capabilities of a variable are determined by its type, and the type of a variable cannot change during its lifetime.

All variables in CGS must be declared prior to their use.

Initializing a Variable

You must give a variable a value prior to using it. One way to do this is through an assignment statement (see Operators - The Assignment Operator). Another way is by giving it an initial value when it is declared. The general form of initialization is shown here:

data_type var_name = value;

Here, value is the value that is given to var_name when var_name is created. The value must be of the type data_type.


number n = 1;

string s = "hello";