Table chart builder

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New Report Design - 2009 => Diagram generation process => Table chart builder


Nevron chart has the simplicity in term of format, because after all processing it just returns an image which is supported through all formats (html, pdf, ppt, excel). However, this is not the same for table. Each library that we are using provide different API for handling tables. Thus, we need different approach.

Luckily, despite of differences in API of libraries, they still share common processing of a table. So, I decided to make common table interface and adapters to different API. Doing like this allow me to focus on the common table interface only when dealing with CatGlobe business like populating table's data, apply style sheet. And later on, when come to a specific format, I can now only focus on table processing of the correspondence library.

Class Diagram

Diagram - Table adaptors 1.gif

  • ChartTable and ChartTableCell are generic table/cell classes that are used inside CatGlobe.Report
  • xxxChartTable and xxxChartTableCell are adapters for specific implementation of tables and cells. Each adapter contains an instance of concrete table/cell.

Adapters contain similar processing, so to demonstrate the implementation, only HtmlChartTable is described in this document



Common properties

This class contains the most common behaviors of a table like

  • RowCount, CellCount
  • Rows and cells can be accessed using index as: this[rowIndex] or this[rowIndex, columnIndex]

LINQ methods

This class also support LINQ methods for looping through the table:

      public void ForEachRow(Action<int, ChartTableCell[]> action);
      public void ForEachCell(Action<ChartTableCell> action);

Copy methods

There are also method co copy data from ChartTable to another ChartTable, this feature is the core functionality of ChartTable and will be explained later.

Style methods

There are 2 methods correspond to 2 kinds of stylesheet (external and inline):

      public void ApplyStyle(IDictionary<StyleType, StyleBase> inlineStyles);

      public void ApplyStyle(TableChartStyle externalStyle)


Besides common table cell properties (RowIndex, ColumnIndex, ColumnSpan, RowSpan, Merged, Value) it also contains some CatGlobe specific information:

  • Cell types: a list of types that this cell belong to, possible values are column header, row header, even row value, odd row value etc. See Tabulation Script for setting inline style to Table Chart for more explanation
  • Copy method to copy data between 2 ChatTableCell => will be explained later
  • Apply style method for apply external and inline stylesheet:
      public void ApplyStyle(TableDiagramStyle inlineStyle)

      public void ApplyStyle(TableChartStyle externalStyle)



   public sealed class HtmlChartTable : ChartTable
      private readonly HtmlTable _table;

      public override object InnerTable
         get { return _table; }

      protected override ChartTableCell CreateNewCell(int rowIndex, int columnIndex)
         var realCell = new HtmlTableCell {InnerHtml = "&nbsp;"};

         return new HtmlChartTableCell(realCell) {RowIndex = rowIndex, ColumnIndex = columnIndex};

      protected override void OnRowAdded()
         _table.Rows.Add((new HtmlTableRow()));
  • The real table that contain data is HtmlTable whose instance is _table variable
  • The adapter responds to events like new row added, new cell added by inserting into the REAL table


      internal class HtmlChartTableCell : ChartTableCell
         private readonly HtmlTableCell _cell;

         public override object InnerCell
            get { return _cell; }

         public override int ColumnSpan
            get { return base.ColumnSpan; }
               base.ColumnSpan = value;
               _cell.ColSpan = value;

         public override int RowSpan
            get { return base.RowSpan; }
               base.RowSpan = value;
               _cell.RowSpan = value;

         public override bool Merged
            get { return base.Merged; }
            protected set
               base.Merged = value;
               _cell.Visible = !value;

         public override string Value
            get { return base.Value; }
               base.Value = value;
               _cell.InnerText = HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(value);

Basically, cell adapter contains a REAL cell and common properties of ChartTableCell would have same properties in the REAL cell. And the implementation is rather simple, passing value to the REAL cell.

Document revisions

Version No. Date Changed By Description Svn revision
0.1 04.08.2009 Nguyen Trung Chinh Create first version 54885